Welcome to the

Creative Brand Salon

Branding | Visual Identity | Creative direction

Founded by Creative Marketeer Katheline Vandal

A Creative Mind with a Marketing Hat

After 13 years of a successful corporate career in Branding and Visual Merchandising for big and small companies in the beauty and food industries, Katheline Vandal launched her own Fashion brand and consulting business.

Her mission is to give Small Business owners a Framework for their brand, by crafting tailored Brand identities and visual guidelines as well as delivering outstanding executions (creative direction for photoshoots, events, in-store designs and shopping experience).

Why Is a Brand Identity
Key for a Business to be Successful?

Having a distinctive brand identity is crucial for the success of a small business, especially when operating on a limited advertising budget.

In a highly competitive marketplace, standing out from the crowd is essential for organically reaching potential customers and capturing their attention.

An authentic and relevant brand identity helps you communicate your brand’s values and establish a memorable presence in the minds of consumers by creating a strong emotional connection.

Ultimately, it increases the likelihood of conversion and fosters customer loyalty, which is vital for sustained success and growth.

Why Are Visual Guidelines
Vital for Small Businesses?

Brand guidelines serve as a blueprint for creating relevant and compelling content that aligns with the established brand identity.

It allows for the brand to be better recognised and remembered through consistency across multiple channels.

Moreover, when training new employees or working with external agencies, the brand guidelines act as a reference point, providing a comprehensive understanding of the business's values, tone, visual elements, and messaging.

This clarity streamlines the onboarding process, allowing new team members to quickly grasp the brand's essence and contribute effectively while it simplifies content approval for the decision maker, ensuring that all materials are in line with the desired brand image.

A real time saver!

Why Do I Help Small Business Owners Thrive?

Are you familiar with that sense of being stuck as a solo entrepreneur
or overwhelmed when a consultant, who works with numerous brands, offers a multitude of generic ideas that may not fully align with your brand or be easily actionable at your scale?

As a fellow Small Business owner, I have experienced this struggle.
There have been countless times when I craved the opportunity to discuss ideas with someone who could provide an objective viewpoint, free from the emotional attachment I have towards my brand yet caring enough to feel like a genuine partner.

What I truly needed was someone to act as a temporary partner with complementary skills and fresh ideas, that could have a flexible and bespoke approach and who could alleviate the weight on my shoulders rather than adding to my workload and stress.